Thursday, 8 September 2016

Paskaitos  14.40-16.10 I-309
Seminarai 13.00-14.30 I-309
Angliškoji dalis
09.15 Lyginamosios literatūros dalyko apibrėžtis, naujos literatūros, kritikos ir literatūros tyrimų kryptys.
09.08 V.S.Naipaul Nobelio premijos kalba – vertybės ir sampratos; Nadine Gordimer apsakymai.
09.15   Postkolonijinės literatūros konstruojamos vertybės; Jean Rhys „Let them Call it Jazz“.
09.28  Pokolonijinė literatūra, hibridiškumas literatūroje.
09.22   Ištraukos iš Jean Rhys „Wide Saragasso Sea“; postmodernizmo, postkolonijinės ir feministinės literatūros išraiška.
09.28   Ištraukos iš M.Ondaatje „English patient“ – literatūra ir medijų naratyvas, „transcreativity“.
10.13  Šiuolaikinė Afrikos literatūra anglų kalba.
10.07   Chinua Achebe ištraukos iš romano „Things fall apart“ liet. vertimas „Ir prasidėjo griovimas“.
10.13  Hibridiškumas, Jhumpa Lahiri novelės ir romanai.
10.27   Šiuolaikinė Azijos literatūra anglų kalba.
10.20  Orientalistinis A.Trollope, G.Orwell apsakymų skaitymas.
10.27  Šiuolaikinė Korėjos literatūra
Lietuviškoji dalis

2016 m. rudens semestro Lyginamosios literatūros dalyko paskaitų ir seminarų pasiskirstymas

Source:  American Comparative Literature Association /ACLA/


State of the discipline report 2014-2015

Ideas of the Decade

The age of digitalization and big data.

A new  orality

Areas and nations


The justifications for these areas

oceanic (the Transatlantic; the Black Atlantic; various framings of the Pacific; most recently the Indian Ocean),

 continental (the Americas; Europe; Asia),

 imperial (Ottoman; Mongol; post-Soviet; Qing);

 linguistic (the Sinophone; the Sanskrit cosmopolis),

commercial (the silk road; the Mediterranean).

 “world literature” emerged as the ultimate challenge to parochialism (even the enhanced parochialism of Euro-centric Comparative Literature).

literary studies beyond the nation.

Area approaches  challenge national and linguistic borders is very productive ways, but they also violently yoke together disparate worlds and exclude others with equal violence.



The translation studies scholar Gideon Toury defines pseudotranslations as “texts which have been presented as translations with no corresponding source texts in other languages ever having existed”

pseudotranslation is a property of texts;

pseudotranslation as a mode of reading



Influence of migrant writers


An emerging field of inquiry - the Sinophone (analogous Anglophpne, Francophone), dynamics between  geographical entities and linguistic practices.  Fields of study:

the plurality of cultural identities

 linguistic practices

 ethnicities of Sinitic-language communities around the world

Effect on understanding world(postcolonial) literature: reconceptualising  center and periphery /empire and colony/ imperialism and colonial languages.







petrofiction simply a fiction directly concerned with the oil industry

E.g. Munif’s Cities of Salt and Upton Sinclair’s Oil! are petrofictions because they are explicitly about oil.

 “all modern writing is premised on both the promise and the hidden costs and benefits of hydrocarbon culture,” then “is not all fiction from, say, The Great Gatsby (1925) to The Corrections (2001) ‘oil’ fiction?”  -


extended to mean fictions written during petromodernity, a period that stretches as far back in some definitions as the early industrial era in the 1750s


concept of the “energy regime”


 for the profoundly uneven distribution of oil’s benefits and consequences to peoples and territories around the globe. 


An emerging field of inquiry - the Sinophone (analogous Anglophpne, Francophone), dynamics between  geographical entities and linguistic practices.  Fields of study:

the plurality of cultural identities

 linguistic practices

 ethnicities of Sinitic-language communities around the world

Effect on understanding world(postcolonial) literature: reconceptualising  center and periphery /empire and colony/ imperialism and colonial languages.


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